Theft and Property crimes can be charged as both misdemeanors and felonies, depending on the value of the property. In Ohio, the threshold is typically $500 when it becomes charged as a felony. There are exceptions to this, however, for crimes involving elderly and disabled, crimes in office, identity theft, and other exceptions. Other crimes in this category include grand theft, breaking and entering, robbery, nuisance, identity theft, fraud, forgery, and trespass cases.
These crimes can be very serious, can lead to jail or prison sentences, can prevent you from certain types of employment, and can lead to you being trespassed, or banned, from being on certain properties. Even a simple shoplifting case involving only a few dollars worth of goods is a first-degree misdemeanor and can result in six months in jail.
The Attorneys at Deal & Hooks have handled theft and property crimes ranging from misdemeanors to serious felonies. We have successfully resolved them prior to a trial, resulting in dismissals, at trial and on appeals. We will work with you to identify a strategy that gives you the best chance of successfully defending the charges.